"The attacks to network-connected computers by hackers [...] aren't possible if you connect to Internet using a modem and Tin.it [...] No one will ever know which IP you will have next time you connect, and so you will be less vulnerable during your Internet connections using Tin.it."
- from Tin.it website, the biggest italian Internet provider

2009/04/02 - "SniffJoke" sniffer/IDS evasion tool v0.3
2008/03/03 - BFi14-dev-08 "weaponize your SELF" released
2007/12/10 - BFi14-dev-07 "i cookie tools" released
2007/10/01 - "fallimenti promettenti" slides available
2007/09/23 - BFi14-dev-06 "sicurezza dei sistemi P2P per il data store distribuito" released

Site v4 designed by \sPIRIT\ and mantained by spj2009
Last update: 02 April, 2009
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